Monday, July 12, 2010

Such hard work

So I have to say that getting an apartment together, writting thank you cards, looking for a job, and taking care of my husband who acts like he is 5.... is hard work. I'm exhausted. I would rather be doing CPS work.

I think that the hardest thing is designing. I have to pick out colors and color schemes. And I have to find everything for a price that doesn't make Adam faint. Luckily, I have become a fan of discount websites. The funny thing was that I was so looking forward to going into a store and shopping and I find myself shopping online more than I did in Vernal!!! Crazy, pictures of wedding and home are to come.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rain Rain go away

So June 11th finally came..... and it was rainy!!!! My family, Adam and I got up early in the morning to start setting up the reception space. (Hire someone) That was in Park City and I had to leave to drive to Provo to get my hair done. Of course there is construction traffic and i'm running late.... which makes the hair appointment run late, which makes me get back to Par City late. Then i have 15min to do my make-up grab my stuff and drive down to Salt Lake. Since everyone and their dog is getting married there is no parking. We are now 5 mins. late for our time to be at the temple and we are parking under the convention center. We ride up the elevator and we are on the north side of the convention center, not the South!!!! So we run around the convention center in the pouring rain and still have to run across the street to the Temple, all the while my mother is on the phone with me saying "where are you?". So by the time that we get to the temple we are ten mins. late, I can't breath cause i have been running in heels and we are almost soaking wet!!!

The ceremony goes well and I have to say that I love my dress. The other girls have mothers doing up the lace on their corsetts and I easily step into my dress and get zipped up. 2 seconds!!!! Then we go out for pictures and everyone is soaked from the rain. We do a quick group shot and I tell everyone we will do pictures at the reception. Everyone leaves and it stops raining, which was perfect because Adam and I got some great pictures at the temple.

It rained for the rest of the night, but I didn't care. I married Adam and it was the best day of my life.