Monday, November 22, 2010

Doodle Kisses

So when we were getting Butters, I did a lot of research before hand.  I wanted to know everything there was to know before I got him.  I wanted the right food, the right toys, the right bed, crate, collars, leashes... everything.  I found this website..!  What an amazing site, it's specifically for labradoodles and goldendoodles.  They have it set up like facebook, but they have groups and forums and photos and videos.  Super cute.  I think Adam and I spent 3 hours looking at it last night and I posted my first group discussion.. Why does my puppy like to put his foot in his water bowl?  I think we are a little obsessed but he's our baby.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

So I had to write a talk for church tomorrow, so i put Emma down for a nap and started typing.  Everything became silent so I turned around and this is what i found.  With everyone sleeping peacefully, I continued typing and turned around again to see Butters and Lilly.  They are the cutest little cousins!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

long day

So today has been the longest day.  I woke up at 4:20 in the morning thinking that it was 7:00.  Then I couldn't ever get back to sleep.  Looking after my mom's shih tzu's and having my new puppy was a lot harder than I thought.  You just can't keep an eye on all the dogs.  And, you had to take them out individually or there was too much chaos for anyone to be able to do their business.  SO... I gave up.  I sent mom's pups to Bethann's house and I went home with mine.  We went to the store, took a trip to the vet and finally came home where Butters slept ut my ind was still racing over everything that I still needed to do.  I was so happy when Adam came home tonight and took me off duty.  I think this is going to call for a strong sleeping pill and an early goodnight!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So... so may people's blogs are so cute.  Why am i so bloggly challenged?  It's not that hard, but for some reason for me it is!  Why is this?  Why isn't my blog cute?  Why do I have such trouble getting pictures on here? Why can't I do a following, that shows the blogs that I like?  These are things other people have.... why can't I find these things... I guess I'll have to keep trying