Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 5

So today starts day five. I have lost four pounds!!!! It feels really good. but I admit that I am hungery. The drops taste disgusting.... because it's a pregnancy hormone, i'm having issues. My face is breaking out and i'm rapidily fight off gingivitis that i can't seem to keep up with. It kind of makes me wonder if it's really worth it.

I am hungry but i stuck to my diet pretty well. Last night Adam cooked us some tilapia and I made some pico to put on top of it. It was really good. Adam was still hungry and wanted to keep eating but I was pretty good about stopping. Sometimes I wonder if i'm even getting in the 500 calories.. I'm sure I am! I have to admit that by the time i'm ready to take more drops, I'm starving and craving sugars.

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