Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 8

well, i can't take drops today because...ummm... girl issues that would not allow me to take a pregnancy hormone. So i'm suppose to stop taking the drops for two days and then continue on. But, i'm suppose to stick to the diet... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So i'm taking dexatrim to keep my hunger at bay. I actually think that I like the dexatrim better because it works better at not making me feel hungry and it has caffine so i am able to get up and go a little better. But dexatrim has no proof of results.

Adam and I ate eggs this morning and then went to the gym for an hour. When i came back from the gym I had lost two pounds. That feels good. Adam is now cooking us scallops which is making the apartment smell like gross fish..... oh well. My stomache is growling but i don't feel that starving sensation that has been presistant over the last week.

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