Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 9

So I didn't lose any weight this morning. That kind of sucks. But I have to realize that it's a timing issue. I just really want to break that 150 barrier. I can't seem to get past it. I have to say that I think about it all day long. It would feel so good to be back in the 140's. That's were I have been most of my life and that's were I feel very, very comfortable.

I do have to say that I have had a very bad image of myself the past couple of months. I know that I am already skinny but it's hard to see it in yourself sometimes. When I was working out yesterday, I looked in the mirror and saw the old Emily, the skinny one that I always was very self-confident about. It made me feel good. I saw it last night as I was brushing my teeth too. I haven't tried on my jeans yet, because I'm afraid that they will still be too tight. Once I break that 140 something I think I may put then on just to see.

I aslo applied for a couple of jobs last night. One was for the Boys and Girls club and the other was for a homeless shelter. They are both secretary positions, which I think that I can do something other than, but both wanted more experience than I actually have. It kind of sucks because I have qualifications and skills that I know I can do something worthwhile with, but feel that no one will look at me because I'm young and haven't kept a job for a year. I guess we'll see what happens.

Adam wanted to add that he loves Emily. He is so funny.

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