Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day ?

I have completely lost track of this diet. I went to New York with my mom and sister this weekend and I'm exhausted. So I kept taking my drops and I was just going to have some bites of the great food there is to eat.

Thursday night when we got there I had a McDonalds grilled chicken sandwich and took off the bun and maynoise and a couple of bites of tiramisu from the local deli that Adam found the last time we were there. Friday morning, eggs from the same place, and a shrimp pasta only eating a couple of pasta's but having a piece of pizza... delicious. Then some bites of cheesecake Friday night. When we got back to the hotel i discovered that I was getting a canker core on the underside of my tongue where you put the drops. Saturday, no drops, eggs in the morning, three pieces of pizza from Giradeli's, and a bite of cupcake. Sunday, put medicine on the canker, took drops in the morning, cinnamon cake for breakfast, couple of bites of hamburger, then a whole hamburger for dinner. Monday, medicine again, no drops, banana for breakfast, and shrimp taco when we got back to Dallas.

I weighed myself when I got home, I had gained half a pound back. This morning I went back on the drops, still have the canker sore.

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